Preparing for a Motorcycle Rental in Las Vegas: What You Need to Know

If you’re looking for an exhilarating, one of a kind vacation experience, motorcycle rentals in Las Vegas may just be the perfect thing for you. Whether you want to rent your motorcycle for an extended amount of time, or just for a quick trip, it can be one of the most exciting ways to see Las Vegas and its surrounding areas.

Whether it’s your first official ride or one of many, it’s always important to be prepared before heading out onto the open road. You want to make sure that you, anyone traveling with you and your bike are taken care of in order to make sure your ride goes smoothly.

Here are some of the steps and preparations you should make when you decide to do a motorcycle rental in Las Vegas:

Make sure your insurance is up to date. When renting a bike in Las Vegas, the insurance is automatically included with the bike; however, there are additional coverage options you can choose from. Those options are:

  • SLI Coverage: this is an additional liability insurance that provides up to $300,000 for any sort of damage to property or other people.
  • PAI/PEI Coverage: this is an additional accidental death insurance option that provides 24-hour accident protection to the person who rents the bike, as well as their immediate family member who is traveling with them.

Make sure you meet the requirements. Renting a motorcycle isn’t just walking up, paying some money and taking a bike out on the road. There are some requirements that have to be met in order to rent a bike, such as:

  • You must be at least 21 years of age or older.
  • You have to have an up to date, valid motorcycle license.
  • You must have a major credit card.

Make sure you have the proper equipment. Upon signing up for a motorcycle rental in Las Vegas, there is a list of items that will be provided for you in order to make sure your trip is safe and comfortable. Here are the items that are included in your rental:

  • Unlimited amount of mileage
  • Helmets for both the driver and the passenger
  • Goggles to protect your eyes
  • Gloves to protect your hands
  • Saddlebags
  • Backrest
  • Cable locks
  • 24-hour contact number in case of an emergency
  • Secure storage for your luggage

Should you decide, after booking, that this trip is not going to work for you for whatever reason, you do have the option to cancel. The policy is that you must cancel 14 days or more in advance to your trip in order to get a refund on your $50 deposit. If you need to cancel and it’s within the 14-day period, you will not receive a refund on your deposit and it will be used a rental you choose in the future. Furthermore, if you need to cancel and it’s within 48 hours of your rental, you deposit will be forfeited and you will lose that money.

Whether you’re looking for a long excursion out on the open road or a quick little road trip, motorcycle rentals in Las Vegas are the way to go.